Company News 》

>    2013 Carson Annual conference passed off successfully Travalling a thousand miles with wisdom will bring good luck, always get the triumphant news and make a wonderful new year
Taoyuan restaurant full of joyful and peaceful festive atmosphere at 6 p.m, ...

>    Carson Annual Conference It was a perfect day, with a burning sun and a cloudless sky in Pengcheng. Our company had an annual meeting banquet in VIP room of Taoyuan restaurant Located in the downstairs...

>    Company Relocation Notice Thanks for your strong supports and active cooperation from all localities and departments for a long time! Because the company was doing more business and the company scale extends more ...

>    Carson logistics spring outing In March With the coming of spring March, the grass sprout out of the earth.. To improve and enrich the sparetime cultural life of the staff, and let everyone enjoy a relax, alleviating the pressure of ...

Contact us

TEL: ( 852) 21329679
ADDRESS1: Room 2320 , Grandtech Centre , 8 On Ping Street , Shatin, Hong Kong

TEL: (86 755)6163 9032 /(86 755)6163 9093
(HuangGang)Address: Room 2201A,Huangcheng Plaza,Huangguang Port, South Futian Road, Futian, Shenzhen

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